HISTORIC TRIANGLE — “Ten Questions with” is a series that allows readers to get to know local business leaders, volunteers and community members in the Historic Triangle.
This week, meet Lauren Boone.
What is your job title and description?
I recently became a co-chair for Kairos Eight25, a monthly support group for women that have struggled with infertility and/or have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss (recently or in years past). Our group provides resources for women, and each meeting has a keynote speaker who shares her story. (The organization’s name originated from the Greek word Kairos meaning “the most opportune or seasonable time” for God’s purposes to be realized. Romans 8:25 adds more meaning by emphasizing hope, eagerness, waiting, and perseverance.)
I also work to create a support system for the women attending the group, as well as ways to honor and remember our angel babies.
Who do you interact/work with regularly?
I have gotten to know and work with a lot of great women in our area through my involvement with this group. Outside of Kairos Eight25, I am a stay-at-home mom of two awesome little boys, so the majority of my time is spent with them!
How do you/your organization interact with the local community?
Kairos Eight25 meets the second Monday of every month, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church. We gather to grieve with and encourage one another, walk with each other in the journey of infertility or loss, and share recent developments in our lives.
What is something about your job most people wouldn’t know about?
Infertility and miscarriage/infant loss are much more common than people might expect. One in six women experience infertility, and one in four pregnancies ends in loss. It can feel extremely lonely if you are walking through these experiences, and it’s hard for people to truly understand what you are going through unless they’ve also experienced these types of struggles. Having a safe space to be vulnerable and honest about all of the feelings you are experiencing with others that have also experienced those same feelings can really support the healing process.
How do you define success?
Success is simply doing the best you can each day. It’s overcoming a hurdle, whether that be some set task, physical accomplishment or learning something to help yourself cope with a situation. When walking through infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss … success can sometimes be simply making it through the day.

What is your most successful accomplishment to date?
Seeing the tragedy that I experienced be turned into a catalyst to help other women walking through similar circumstances.
How long have you lived/worked in the Historic Triangle?
I was born and raised in Williamsburg and am a proud Warhill HS alum, and former teacher at Warhill before the birth of my first son.
What is your favorite part of being in the Historic Triangle?
This is an amazing area to raise a family. My husband and I love taking our two boys on walks through the various nature trails in the area, exploring Colonial Williamsburg, and enjoying easy access to Busch Gardens year-round!
What do you do for downtime/to relax?
I love to read and play piano. I enjoy playing board games and having quality time with my family as well!
What is the next step in your journey?
I want to continue to make Kairos Eight25 a welcoming and safe space for all of the women that attend. I want women to feel less lonely after leaving the meetings. I’d also like to increase awareness of the group so that those that want someone to walk alongside them in their grief are able to find community.
Do you want to learn more about your community and the people who live and work in the Historic Triangle? We are looking for people with interesting jobs, super volunteers, or community leaders to showcase. Reach out to let us know if you (or someone you know) would like to be considered for Ten Questions.