HISTORIC TRIANGLE — “Ten Questions with” is a series that allows readers to get to know local business leaders, volunteers and community members in the Historic Triangle.
This week, meet Pam McGregor.
What is your job title and description?
I am the Executive Director of The Arc of Greater Williamsburg. I am privileged to oversee all programs, activities, and services and coordinate with an amazing staff dedicated to our Arc clients and their families.
Who do you interact/work with regularly?
The Arc’s tagline, “The Arc is there when the school bus stops coming” helps to denote whom we serve. As students age out of special education at age 21, The Arc is there to provide programs and resources to our clients and their families. We work closely with over 300 community volunteers, many of whom are W&M students, to facilitate our 8-10 evening programs each month in four program areas, Fitness, Arts & Culture, Lifelong Learning, and Social/Recreational activities.
In addition, we conduct a four-day-a-week day program, Arc of Abilities, which includes continuing education, vocational and life skills programs. Our employment program, Wheels4Work, connects well-qualified Arc clients with meaningful employment opportunities with our community business partners.
How do you/your organization interact with the local community?
The Arc is grateful for a community that sees the value of working together and collaborating with one another. We are indebted to many local foundations and civic organizations that provide grant funding and regularly volunteer for our programs and fundraisers.
Many community businesses are sponsors of our fundraisers and others employ Arc clients. Additionally, W&M students are actively engaged in programs such as Best Buddies, our Pi Phi Literacy program, the Office of Community Engagement is a tremendous partner and connector to student volunteers and interns, and the athletic department has many varsity teams that provide sports clinics and regularly volunteer at our activities and fundraisers.
We also value our longtime partnership with James City County Parks & Recreation.
Raising awareness of The Arc goes hand in hand in raising awareness of the value and abilities of our amazing Arc clients.

What is something about your job most people wouldn’t know about?
The Arc is one of 600 chapters of The Arc of the United States. The Arc of Greater Williamsburg’s chapter was founded in 1976 as a program Arc or advocacy Arc.
We do not receive state or federal funding and sustain our budget through grants, fundraisers and donations.
The Arc is not all caps, it is just a word — think of us as “arcing over all people with disabilities.”
How do you define success?
Success for me is being content and happy with your life. When I see our clients living their lives to their full potential, and The Arc had a hand in helping them achieve their goals, that is success.
What is your most successful accomplishment to date?
Personally, my husband Mike and I have raised five great kids. All are college graduates and working in their chosen fields. Professionally, establishing our day program, Arc of Abilities in 2016, and our employment program, Wheels4Work in 2019, has helped raise awareness of The Arc and the people we are privileged to serve.
How long have you lived/worked in the Historic Triangle?
We were a Navy family that moved here in 2003. My husband was the Commanding Officer in Norfolk for the Navy Legal Service Office. Family friends recommended Walsingham Academy here in Williamsburg and we made the decision to live here, and he would commute.
I became the Executive Director for The Arc in 2006. The Williamsburg community quickly became the place where we wanted to settle and ultimately retire.
What is your favorite part of being in the Historic Triangle?
Small town feel, vibrant/historic community, big city benefits!
What do you do for downtime/to relax?
I enjoy traveling (especially to Annapolis to see my grandson, Parker), entertaining, cooking, reading, sports (Go Zags and Tribe!), playing games, family time is the best!
What is the next step in your journey?
The Arc is working on a development plan to establish The Arc Education Center.
We hope to bring our administrative offices, day program, and space for our evening activities all under one roof. This will allow us to have more capacity in our day program and to further enhance our activities and services for our local families whose children are transitioning into adulthood. Please visit thearcgw.org to learn more about our programs and services.
To learn more about The Arc of Greater Williamsburg, visit its webpage.
Do you want to learn more about your community and the people who live and work in the Historic Triangle? We are looking for people with interesting jobs, super volunteers, or community leaders to showcase. Reach out to let us know if you (or someone you know) would like to be considered for Ten Questions.