NATIONWIDE — Find inspiration to celebrate generosity and give back to our community this Tuesday (Nov. 30) on “Giving Tuesday.”
Started in 2012, Giving Tuesday began as at the 92nd Y and Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact in New York City. Since that time, it has become a global movement to inspire people to give back to others, collaborate together, and celebrate selfless giving in what the GivingTuesday Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded around the concept of the annual observance, calls, “Radical Generosity.”
In fact, the GivingTuesday Foundation defines “Radical Generosity” as, “The concept that the suffering of others should be as intolerable to us as our own suffering.”
This Giving Tuesday, residents around the Historic Triangle are encouraged to donate, volunteer, or participate in one of the many nonprofits that call this corner of the Commonwealth home. In searching, there were 247 listings in Williamsburg, 207 in Yorktown, 138 in Gloucester, and 64 in Poquoson.
Tomorrow, engage in an act of radical generosity and support one of the many nonprofit organizations in our area.