YORKTOWN — The 25th Annual Lighted Boat Parade is scheduled for Saturday Dec. 4 at the Yorktown Waterfront.
There will be a pre-parade celebration starts at 6 p.m. complete with caroling, a beach bonfire, a musical performance by the Fifes and Drums of York Town, plus free hot cider. The parade will get under way starting at 7 p.m.
All the boats in the parade will be competing for “Best In Show” and will be judged on wow factor, color and light, originality and theme, and spirit.
Families are encouraged to bring flashlights to help with safety and navigation around the town at night.
No rain dates are scheduled for this event. Please call the York County Event Weather Hotline at (757) 890-3520 before heading to the parade.
For more information about this event go to the Visit Yorktown website.