YORKTOWN — Several actions were taken during the Tues., Dec. 21 York County Board of Supervisors meeting.
- Application no. UP-972-21 submitted by William and Marina Boothe for a special use permit to authorize a tourist home in an existing dwelling located at 1149 Duncan Drive was approved.
- Street acceptance for Whittaker’s Mill (Resolution R21-111) and Osborn Landing (R21-149) were approved.
- A purchase authorization for ambulances (R21-159) in contract with Atlantic Emergency Solutions, Inc. was approved.
- A purchase authorization to replace the chiller for the York-Poquoson Courthouse (R-21-165) in contract with Damuth Trane was approved.
- Consideration to adopt proposed Resolution R21-162 to change order to the existing Motorola contract for upgrades to the 800MHZ Radio System and to execute a Memorandum of Understanding to empower York County as the Fiscal Agent was approved.
- Proposed Resolution R21-163 to amend and readopt as County policy the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, effective Dec. 21, 2021, was approved.
- A commendation to honor retiring Commonwealth’s Attorney for York County and the City of Poquoson, the Honorable Benjamin M. Hahn, was approved.
- A commendation to honor retiring Administrative Services Manager for York-Poquoson Social Services Patricia L. Alderman was approved.
The next regular meeting for the York County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to take place in the Board Room at York Hall, 301 Main Street in Yorktown, on Tues., January 4 at 6:00 p.m.