Saturday, February 15, 2025

Great Decisions Lecture Series Set to Return with New Chairperson

Great Decision chairperson, Dennis Litalien, with his wife Renee Hawthorne, both members of the League of Women Voters, and their dog Olive moved to Williamsburg after searching for a good retirement community. Dennis said, “We really liked the area; plus Renee is a William and Mary alum and has family in the area.” (Photo provided by the Leauge of Women Voters)

WILLIAMSBURG — The Great Decisions Lecture Series will return in February and March with a new chairperson, Dennis Litalien, at the helm, the League of Women Voters of the Williamsburg Area announced.

The Foreign Policy Association’s program, which has been in existence for 60 years, provides background information and policy options for the eight most critical issues facing America, and it publishes a briefing book to serve as the focal text for discussion groups across the country.

The League of Women Voters said when the long-time chair of the Great Decisions program, Don Schilling, decided to step down after the 2024 program concluded, Litalien, who recently moved to Williamsburg, stepped up. It added that as a retired Marine and logistics manager, Litalien has had extensive international travel experience.

“When diplomacy fails, America’s armed forces typically become engaged, so as a Marine, I’ve always had a keen interest in foreign policy,” Litalien said.

According to the organization, Litalien was excited to discover that the League of Women Voters here sponsors a Great Decision program. The League of Women Voters of the Williamsburg Area has sponsored a local discussion group for 43 years as a key component of its civic education mission, and brings in local speakers to allow the community to ask questions and socialize with other community members.

Each person registered for the Williamsburg Great Decision series receives a copy of the FPA’s briefing book.

“The advantage of the local lectures,” Litalien said, “is that speakers can update any new information to the foreign policy challenges that may have occurred since the topics were chosen and written about months ago. Also, audience members can clarify concerns by asking questions of the speakers.”

“Since WWII, the foreign policy choices America has made have had far-reaching impact on world affairs. When I graduated from recruit training as our involvement in Vietnam ended, and during my 23 years on active duty, America went from a Cold War footing to the dawn of the Global War on Terror,” added Litalien.

The League said finding speakers was one of the challenges that Litalien faced.

“It was primarily a lot of grunt work as I called former speakers, reached out to local universities, and got great referrals from so many people,” he explained. “Thanks to Don Shilling, I was able to get perennial favorite speaker Larry Wilkerson to return.”

He said his biggest challenge was finding a speaker on India. Fortunately, he met retired ambassador Bill Ramsay, a Williamsburg resident, who introduced him to Dagmar Graczyk. She will speak to the audience from Paris via Zoom, the only speaker this year who will not be present in person. However, each of the weekly presentations is available to all registrants in person at the library or remotely via Zoom.

“Don Schilling did an amazing job during his six years as chair,” Litalien said. “Don’s leadership set a high bar, however, with the support of League President Susan Bivins, and the good fortune of having inherited a terrific support team including, co-chair Abra Smith, Sudie and Rich Watkins, Karen Siracusa, and Becky Sipos as well as an impressive line-up of presenters this year, I’m confident we can continue to build on Great Decision’s standard of excellence.”

The public is invited to attend Great Decisions 2025 every Tuesday morning in February and March from 10:30 am to noon. Registration is required, but presentations are held both in-house at Williamsburg Regional Library and remotely via Zoom.

The Williamsburg Police Department is also waiving ticketing of cars parked on streets around the library during the hours when each Great Decisions session is presented, the organization said. For additional details, and to register for Great Decisions 2025, visit the League website at

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