Thursday, February 13, 2025

Shingles cases increasing in older and younger people alike. Here’s why

Shingles impacts one out of three Americans over the age of 65 (Southside Daily photo/Courtesy of
Shingles impacts one out of three Americans over the age of 65 (HNNDaily photo/Courtesy of

The fact that older people in Hampton Roads are susceptible to shingles is nothing new.

Mysteriously though, for reasons that are yet unknown by physicians and medical researchers, younger populations across the nation have also been showing increased cases of the infection.

“We’re all aware of the concerns,” said Dr. Robert Palmer, director of Eastern Virginia Medical School’s Glennan Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology.

But, he added, no one is yet clear on why younger people seem to be experiencing shingles.

“There are lots of opinions, but scientifically we don’t know,” Palmer said.

The explanation, he said, could be as simple as better reporting (however, it is not a reportable disease in the State of Virginia).

Shingles descends from the same virus that causes chickenpox, the varicella virus. Palmer said the virus is “highly intelligent” and that after infecting a child with chickenpox it hides, only to reemerge years later as the herpes zoster virus and causing shingles.

Studies on the topic abound and most agree that the incidences of shingles have been rising since the late 1940s and early 1950s.

None of the studies can pinpoint a cause for the increase in younger people, although some tend to relate it to the introduction of a childhood vaccine against varicella/chickenpox in the mid-1990s.

That hasn’t been proven, Palmer said. He pointed out that shingles infections actually began climbing well before the childhood vaccine went into use.

But it’s not just younger populations being affected.

One study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that between 1992 and 2010 shingles increased by an astounding 39 percent in those 65 years of age and older.

One-in-three people over the age of 50 are impacted by shingles, which, Palmer said, is the more serious of the two infections that the varicella virus can cause.

At its worst it can lead to brain damage: Postherpetic neuralgia affects nerve fibers and skin, causing burning pain that lasts long after the rash and blisters of shingles disappear.

The vaccine is effective though, said Dr. Robert Palmer of the Eastern Virginia Medical School (Southside Daily photo/Courtesy of
The vaccine is effective though, said Dr. Robert Palmer of the Eastern Virginia Medical School (HNNDaily photo/Courtesy of

“Older adults are living longer and often with chronic diseases, leading to a weakened immune system,” Palmer said.

A weakened immune system appears to perhaps allow the dormant virus to re-emerge.

“People can suffer horrendously from that, specifically when it attacks the cranial nerves,” he said. “Shingles itself can be devastating in older people.”

There is a vaccine against shingles though.

“It’s highly effective,” Palmer said. The vaccine is given in two doses, four to six months apart and is recommended for people 60 and older.

Information about shingles can be found online, including signs and symptoms, as well as details about the vaccine.

John Mangalonzo
John Mangalonzo
John Mangalonzo ( is the managing editor of Local Voice Media’s Virginia papers – WYDaily (Williamsburg), Southside Daily (Virginia Beach) and HNNDaily (Hampton-Newport News). Before coming to Local Voice, John was the senior content editor of The Bellingham Herald, a McClatchy newspaper in Washington state. Previously, he served as city editor/content strategist for USA Today Network newsrooms in St. George and Cedar City, Utah. John started his professional journalism career shortly after graduating from Lyceum of The Philippines University in 1990. As a rookie reporter for a national newspaper in Manila that year, John was assigned to cover four of the most dangerous cities in Metro Manila. Later that year, John was transferred to cover the Philippine National Police and Armed Forces of the Philippines. He spent the latter part of 1990 to early 1992 embedded with troopers in the southern Philippines as they fought with communist rebels and Muslim extremists. His U.S. journalism career includes reporting and editing stints for newspapers and other media outlets in New York City, California, Texas, Iowa, Utah, Colorado and Washington state.

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