You can thank the CARES Act for this.
The city of Williamsburg was awarded $92,027.49 in CARES Act relief funds to assist eligible water and sewer customers.
The Municipal Utility Relief Program aims to help residents and small-business owners facing past-due utility bills from March 1 through Dec. 30 due to COVID-19, according to a news release from the city.
The funds can only be used to provide direct assistance to customer accounts over 30 days in arrears during the covered period; however, the grant prioritizes assistance to customers with accounts more than 60 days in arrears.
All utility customers with accounts over 30 days in arrears are encouraged to complete an intake certification form, which can be found online or at the Municipal Building at 401 Lafayette St., and then submit it to the City by Jan. 13, 2021. Signed certification forms can be mailed to 401 Lafayette St., Williamsburg, VA 23185, emailed to water@williamsburgva.gov, or placed in the drop-box on the front of the Municipal Building, officials said in the news release.
Award amount notifications will be sent out the week of Jan. 18, 2021.
For questions, call 757-220-6182.