Saturday, February 15, 2025

Williamsburg City Council to Discuss The Allocation of ARPA Funding

(Courtesy of City of Williamsburg)

WILLIAMSBURG — The Williamsburg City Council is planning to discuss Resolution #20-30 relating to the allocation of The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds that were awarded to the City Thurs. Dec 9 at the Stryker Center.

The United States Treasury has published an Interim Final Rule (IFR) detailing how and when these funds should be used. According to the City Council’s public agenda summary, some of the categories that the funds are eligible to be used for are:

  • Support public health expenditures
  • Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency
  • Replace lost public sector revenue
  • Provide premium pay for essential workers
  • Invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure

ARPA awarded the City of Williamsburg a total of $18,419,663 of the Coronavirus State and Local Recovery Funds (SLFRF).

“To optimize the use of the funds and meet the IFR requirements, the City developed an extensive list of eligible projects. A steering committee consisting of prominent stakeholders reviewed the list, added additional projects, and made recommendations,” the public agenda summary states. “Extensive public input on the Steering Committee’s recommendations was sought, and this input was provided to City Council for their November ARPA retreat. At the retreat, City Council was briefed on more details, including the feasibility of projects, and the IFR was discussed at length.”

The staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution #21-30. The resolution will appropriate the funds as seen below:

  • $14,400,000 for economic resiliency projects. These projects include: Research Village and Tech Center, Regional Ampitheater Project at the Visitor Center, Triangle Redevelopment/Blayton building Redevelopment, Destination Events, Affordable Housing Initiative, Vocational Training/ Institution
  • $2,000,000 for CIP accelerator projects. These projects include: Capitol Landing Road Outfall Stream restoration, Walnut Hills Outfall Stream Restoration, Route 143 Embankment & Outfall Erosion Repair, Newport Ave Sidewalks, S Henry Street Sidewalks to the Oaks, New Police Facility & Relocation of Public Works Storage / Wash Rack
  • $1,212,500 for One WIlliamsburg projects. These projects include: Mobile Command/Health Clinic, Bus Stop Shelters, WRHA Safety and Security, EOC Technology, Bonus Pay for all Employees, Playground-Waller Mill Park, Portable Radio Replacement Completion, Picnic Shelter-Waller Mill, Cyber Infrastructure Replacements, Purchase knuckle-boom truck to collect bulky household material at the curb.

    Other One Williamsburg Projects that the City Council has considered important are: Smart Water Meters, Emergency Shelter, Water Bottle Filling Stations, Waller Mill Training Facility-Police, Police Vehicle Program, Broadband Infrastructure, Solar Facilities.
  • Transferring $3,000,000 from COVID-19 contigency, appropriating $1,500,000 for Smart City Technology project, and authorizing the use of $411,000 for premium pay for City employees.

“During the pandemic, city employees worked tirelessly to provide essential government services and serve and provide relief for myriad COVID-19 challenges,” the public agenda summary states. “Establishing and staffing health clinics, providing food, housing, utility billing assistance, and developing small business relief programs, all the while following strict safety protocols, are just some of the additional work city employees accomplished. As premium pay is an eligible ARPA expense, it is recommended that City Council authorize the City Manager to provide incentive pay.”

Locals seeking more information about the upcoming Williamsburg City Council Meeting are asked to visit the City of Williamsburg Civic Website.

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