Thursday, February 13, 2025

Where to Go and What Will Be on the Ballot on Election Day (Nov. 2)

Here is a round-up of where to vote and what will be on the ballot on Nov. 2 (Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels)

HISTORIC TRIANGLE — Tomorrow (Tues., Nov. 2) is the day for Virginia’s General Election. If you have not already voted either early or by absentee ballot, here is a round-up of what to expect when heading to the polls.

Where Do I Vote?

The Virginia Department of Elections (VDE)’s website has information of how to register to vote, check your registration status, apply for an absentee ballot, and how to find your specific polling place. If you have not already voted in the Nov. 2 General Election, click this link from VDE to find your polling place.

Who Are the Candidates?

Below are the candidates for statewide offices:

Candidates for governor include:

Candidates for lieutenant governor include:

Candidates for Virginia’s Attorney General include:

What Will Be on My Ballot?

Below you will find a breakdown of what will be on your specific ballot:

James City County:

Precincts can be found by visiting the VDE’s Citizen Portal.

Style BallotVoting LocationsLink
Style 1Berkeley A (Jamestown HS),
Roberts D – (Laurel Lane ES)
Sample Ballot
Style 2Berkeley B (Clara Byrd Baker ES),
Berkeley C (Matoaka ES),
Stonehouse A (Hickory Neck Episcopal Church),
Stonehouse B (Norge ES),
Stonehouse C (Stonehouse ES)
Sample Ballot
Style 3Berkeley D (JCC Fire Admin Building),
Roberts A (James River ES),
Roberts B (Mt. Gilead Baptist Church),
Roberts C (Grace Baptist Church),
Roberts D + (Laurel Lane ES)
Sample Ballot
Style 4Jamestown A (Legacy Hall)Sample Ballot
Style 5Jamestown B + (JCC Recreation Center),
Jamestown C (Upward Church),
Jamestown D (King of Glory Lutheran Church)
Sample Ballot
Style 6Jamestown B – (JCC Recreation Center)Sample Ballot
Style 7Powhatan A (Hornsby MS),
Powhatan B (Lafayette HS),
Powhatan C (Toano MS),
Powhatan D (Warhill HS)
Sample Ballot

City of Williamsburg:

All residents of the City of Williamsburg will have the same ballot. This sample ballot can be found by clicking here.

York County:

To find what district you live in, visit York County’s Citizen’s Portal by clicking here.

District NumberDistrict NameLink
101Queens Lake (93rd House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
101Queens Lake (96th House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
102Waller MillSample Ballot
103MagruderSample Ballot
201Coventry (91st House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
201Coventry (93rd House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
202Kiln CreekSample Ballot
301SeafordSample Ballot
302YorktownSample Ballot
303Edgehill (93rd House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
303Edgehill (96th House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
401Harwoods Mill (93rd House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
401Harwoods Mill (96th House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
402DareSample Ballot
403GraftonSample Ballot
501Tabb (91st House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
501Tabb (93rd House of Delegates District)Sample Ballot
502BethelSample Ballot

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