With dozens of headlines every week, it’s easy to miss some here and there. Get in on the conversation.
Here are this week’s most-read stories.
Harvest Faire
If you see a sword fight in Newport News this October, don’t be alarmed. READ MORE.
Poop fundraiser
Hirschsprung Disease is a condition affecting the colon or large intestine which causes problems with passing stool, according to the Mayo Clinic. It typically affects newborns about 1 in 5,000. READ MORE.
One thing you’ll be aware of by joining this 5k race is that ‘Poop Matters’
1619 Commemoration
The 2019 Commemoration Commission and the Hampton History Museum are commemorating 1619 which signifies the First Africans landing at Point Comfort in Hampton. READ MORE.
This event commemorates the First Landing of enslaved Africans at Fort Monroe
Old restaurant
The owners of the old Das Waldcafe don’t plan on converting the building into a tapas restaurant anytime soon. READ MORE.
Here’s an update on the old German restaurant in Newport News