WILLIAMSBURG — The City of Williamsburg Planning Commission recommended the approval of a special use permit to allow multifamily dwellings at the Wells Fargo Building at 1006 Richmond Road at its Jan. 15 meeting.
The permit requested a maximum of 14 units per net acre, though the applicant only seeks to create 11 apartments on the second and third floors of the building. The first floor would be for commercial use.
A full hearing for the permit was heard during the Planning Commission November meeting before it was pushed back to unfinished business for the January meeting. Since that meeting, the applicant, Demetrios Florakis, added a traffic study to the agenda item.
Comments were allowed during the hearing during the November meeting, however, none were allowed to be made at the January meeting outside of the open forum.
The motion to recommend approval was made and passed unanimously save for Greg Granger who abstained and John Tarley Jr. who stepped down from the dias during the discussion of the item.
The item will be presented before Williamsburg City Council for final approval, during which citizens can speak about the proposal and share their thoughts.
The next Planning Commission meeting will be on Feb. 19, all documents related to the project are linked to the January meeting agenda.