Saturday, February 15, 2025

Noll, Holroyd Tapped as York County Board of Supervisors Chairs

Sheila Noll and Doug Holroyd will serve as Chair and Vice Chair of the York County Board of Supervisors for 2025 (York County)

YORK COUNTY— At the reorganizational meeting of the York County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, the board unanimously elected Shiela Noll as Chair and Doug Holroyd as Vice Chair for 2025.

Noll, who serves as the Supervisor representing District 2, and Holroyd, who serves as the Supervisor representing District 1, take the reins from 2024 Board Chair Stephen Roane Jr.

Noll said of Roane, “You have had such a busy year. You work full time, you are a volunteer with the football team, you have a family, you have to travel with your job, and you are marvelous with our youth commission. I think your leadership is apparent. I’m so happy that you had the opportunity and I look forward to seeing it again. You’ve been super.”

Noll is beginning her 30th year serving as a supervisor, while Holroyd is beginning his second.

“I’d like to thank the board for electing me, I really appreciate the honor. I look forward to the work that we are going to do in 2025. It is going to be a busy, busy year. Every day is exciting so enjoy each and every day, life is too short not to,” Noll said.

The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be held on Jan 21 at 6 p.m. in the board room at York Hall.

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