Saturday, September 7, 2024

Simonds won’t contest 2018 election; looks forward to 2019

Shelly Simonds and David Yancey tied for the 94th House of Delegates seat in the Nov. 7, 2017 election. (File photo/WYDaily)
Shelly Simonds and David Yancey tied for the 94th House of Delegates seat in the Nov. 7, 2017 election. (File photo/WYDaily)

Six days after Del. David Yancey was announced as the winner of the 94th House of Delegates district election, his opponent said she won’t seek another recount in the race.

The Virginia House Democratic Caucus announced today that Shelly Simonds, D-Newport News, will not seek another recount in the 94th House of Delegates district election.

Instead, Simonds will challenge Yancey, R-Newport News, in the 2019 election.

“The decision not to request a second recount was a difficult one, and in the long run, history will be the judge of this election,” Simonds said in the announcement. “People will remember how we fought and what we said. They will see the ballot and how the court order was violated and how a recount, conducted by citizens of the district, was undone.”

Simonds lost a random drawing in Richmond on Jan. 4. that decided the fate of the election.

Simonds had petitioned the Newport News Circuit Court on Dec. 26 to reconsider its previous ruling calling the race a tie.

A three-judge panel ruled the contest a tie on Dec. 20.

A Dec. 19 recount had found that Simonds won by one vote.

A victory by Simonds would have created a 50-50 tie between Democrats and Republicans in the House of Delegates.

For Simonds, this isn’t the end of the road yet.

“My hope is that next time there won’t be a recount, as I’m today announcing my candidacy for 94th District seat in 2019,” Simonds said. “I will center my campaign on the things I know Virginians most care about: health care, education, and reforms that will ensure their voices are heard at the polls.”

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