REGIONAL — Miss something this week? Here are some of the top stories from WYDaily for the week of July 5-11, 2021:
For this week’s edition of our limited series, Landmark Lost, take a journey with our managing editor, Nancy Sheppard, to Union Hill, a well-preserved ghost town to see what was left behind:
Want to have your own piece of Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW) nostalgia while helping a very deserving nonprofit organization? Now is your chance as items from BGW, including vehicles from three major attractions, are being auctioned off:
Organization Auctioning Off Pieces from Busch Gardens’ Attractions
Habitat for Humanity has partnered with Aquist to build in Williasmburg a 3D printed house; the first of its kind on the east coast:
Waypoint set to reopen under new ownership:
You may not know his name but Albert Durant was a trailblazer, photographing the Black community in Williamsburg during segregation.
Rockefeller Library Launches Project to Identify Photos From Trailblazing Black Photographer
Former masseur convicted of sexually assaulting a number of victims at his place of employment, the Williamsburg MassageLuXe location:
Massage LuXe Masseur Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Five Victims
After marijuana laws loosen in Virginia, many are concerned what this means for roadway safety. WYDaily’s Gabrielle Rente sets the record straight as to what this means in the Commonwealth:
How High is Too High?: New Marijuana Laws Cause Concerns for Roadway Safety