Saturday, February 15, 2025

Williamsburg Contemporary Art Center Calls for Artists for Regional Juried Art Show

The newly renovated Blue Building. (Photo courtesy of WCAC)
(Photo courtesy of WCAC)

WILLIAMSBURG — The Williamsburg Contemporary Art Center is inviting WCAC members and regional artists and artisans to participate in its Regional Juried Art Show, to be held Sept. 28 through Nov. 11.

Williamsburg Contemporary Art Center showcases a wide variety of art mediums and pieces to show off the skills and talents of its members. The Regional Juried Art Show, however, allows non-members to also enter the competition, so long as they live in the Greater Hampton Roads area.

For this competition, up to three pieces of two-or three-dimensional artwork may be submitted for consideration. Applications, fees, and digital images of the artwork are due to WCAC by Aug. 12 at 3:00 p.m.  

All media styles, techniques, and photographs of original, family-friendly artwork are eligible. Entries must be from the artists’ own photos, sketches, or resources, not have been previously shown at WCAC, and created on or after Jan. 1, 2019.  

This year the juror will be Miles Chappell, Chancellor Professor Emeritus at William & Mary’s Department of Art and Art History. Best in show will receive a prize of $450, with smaller monetary prizes for other placing pieces.

All works accepted into this show must be for sale and remain on exhibit during the entire show. WCAC retains 40% commission on all sales with 60% paid to artists. Works should be priced at actual current market values — WCAC reserves the right to refuse works with overly-inflated pricing that may deter sales or invalidate insurance coverage.

To enter the competition follow the timeline and instructions on the Williamsburg Contemporary Art Center website where information can also be found on upcoming shows, membership, and the history of the organization.

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