Saturday, February 8, 2025

James City County and Litter League Look to Clean Up the County

The Litter League looks to clean up James City County. (Courtesy of James City County)

JAMES CITY COUNTY — Litter is a sad common occurrence all over the world. According to the Keep America Beautiful 2020 Litter Study, more than 50 billion pieces of litter were found nationwide.

In addition to being an eyesore, litter can hurt property values, attract pests, pollute waterways and harm local wildlife.

However, James City County (JCC) is hoping to fix that statistic on a local level with the help of the Litter League. The Litter League was started to help families, businesses and organizations to organize trash cleanups in local areas.

For one time cleanup projects, the League provides cleanup kits that can be check out at the Williamsburg Regional Library in James City County and Williamsburg.

The kits include:

  • 5-gallon bucket
  • litter grabbers
  • safety vests
  • gloves
  • trash bags
  • informational binder with a step-by-step guide on how to plan a cleanup, learning materials and a suggested reading list.

The kits are available in the Learning to Go collection under “Litter Cleanup Kits” and can be checked out for one week at a time.

For those interested in an ongoing cleanup project, Litter League Teams can be formed. After filling out the team agreement, kits can be picked up at the JCC Administrative Building, 107 Tewning Road. Teams are asked to keep detailed reports after each clean up.

The data from the reports will be compiled and used to apply for grants to support the program and other litter cleanup efforts.

For more information on the Litter League and how to help, go to the JCC Litter League website.

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