Saturday, February 8, 2025

Williamsburg Police Department to Host Blood Drive

(Courtesy of Pixabay)

WILLIAMSBURG — The Williamsburg Police Department is set to host a blood drive on Oct. 4, 2021, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the City Community Building.

The blood drive will be hosted in conjunction with the American Red Cross. It’s recommended that donors bring a form of ID to the event in case the Red Cross requests proof of ID before accepting a blood donation.

The blood drive will follow city-wide COVID-19 precautions that include mask requirements and social distancing. Additionally, the blood drive is by appointment only.

As of Sept. 29, 2021, the blood drive has already filled 30 appointments toward the Red Cross goal of 35 appointments.

There are still 15 appointment slots open for those who wish to donate blood.

Those who wish to donate blood can register for the blood drive by going to the Red Cross Blood website and entering the code “WPD” in the box next to the “Make Your Appointment” button. After clicking the “make your appointment” button you can register for an appointment at any time slot that is available.

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