Friday, February 7, 2025

William & Mary Tightens Up COVID-19 Safety Measures

The College of William & Mary has issued temporary COVID-19 safety protocols. (Courtesy of William & Mary)

WILLIAMSBURG — Less than one month into the fall semester and the College of William & Mary has implemented stricter COVID-19 safety protocols for the next two weeks, after an increase in positive case numbers among the student population.

According to a letter sent out to the College community on Tuesday, Sept. 8, effective immediately, the College is requiring masks be worn outdoors on campus unless the person is eating or drinking, or can maintain social distancing. All dining facilities on campus will be “to go” only for the next two weeks. Finally, student organizations will be encouraged to use virtual formats or outdoor settings for meetings and activities.

The letter stated that the school is dealing with more than 100 active student positive cases, many of those among vaccinated students. All of them experiencing mild symptoms, if any at all. The College is hopeful the two weeks of safety protocols will slow the spread.

“All cases appear to have been spread through unmasked social interactions – often off-campus,” the letter said. “To date, there is no indication of spread in a classroom. Employee cases have remained static at three active cases for the last week.”

The school said they have no plans of moving to a remote or distance learning.

For more information on the COVID-19 protocols as well as the school’s pandemic data, check out the W&M COVID-19 dashboard.

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