VBPD working an incident in 300 blk of 20TH ST. Service of felony warrant. Subject injured and transported to local hospital. PAO on scene
— Virginia Beach PD (@VBPD) August 11, 2017
VIRGINIA BEACH — A man harmed himself with a knife while Virginia Beach police officers were trying to serve him “several” felony warrants, according to the department.
Police were in the 300 block of 20th Street attempting to serve the man the warrants around noon when he ran. Officers chased him until the man took out a knife and threatened to hurt himself, according to the Virginia Beach Police Department.
Although officers tried to talk the man down and disarm him using a “less lethal weapon,” the man intentionally hurt himself, police said.
Officers and an off-duty emergency medical worker performed “life saving measures” on the man until he was taken to a local hospital with serious injuries.