Friday, February 14, 2025

Commonwealth Conversations Series to Wrap with Sen. Mark Warner on May 17

(Greater Williamsburg Chamber of Commerce)

WILLIAMSBURG — The Greater Williamsburg Chamber of Commerce will present the final installment of its current Community Conversations series with a lunchtime discussion on May 17 between U.S. Sen. Mark Warner and Former state Sen. Tommy Norment.

According to the Chamber, the event, to be held at Williamsburg Lodge, will offer “a candid discussion between long-time, opposite-sides-of-the-aisle friends: United States Sen. Mark Warner and Former Sen. Tommy Norment, as they talk about how it was, how it is, and how you can make the difference in today’s political discourse.”

The Chamber anticipates topics for discussion will include:

  • What is going on in today’s political process? Is it as unstable or dysfunctional as the 24-hour news cycles and social media make it seem?
  • Are there matters that take communication, collaboration and coordination between the local, state and federal governing bodies who represent us? Is that communication and coordination actually happening despite what the Fourth Estate is proffering? What does that mean for Greater Williamsburg residents?

Check-in and lunch will begin at 11:30 a.m. with the program beginning at noon. Single tickets are $55 for members, and $80 for prospective members. Tables of 8 reserved seats with a company logo are $500 for members, and $700 for prospective members. Learn more and register for the final Commonwealth Conversations online.

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