Thursday, February 13, 2025

Discussion on Proposed Retirement Facility in James City County Postponed Until March

The public hearing for the amended proposal for the Continuing Care Retirement Facility at Ford’s Colony is postponed until March. (WYDaily file/Courtesy VDOT)

JAMES CITY COUNTY — During its Tuesday, Jan. 11 meeting, the James City County (JCC) Board of Supervisors postponed the public hearing for an amended proposal for a continuing care retirement facility at Ford’s Colony.

The new development is being proposed for a site located at 3889 News Rd. and would include up to 286 age-restricted residential units consisting of single-family dwellings and multifamily dwellings. Also proposed is a facility containing no more than 230 age-restricted assisted living/memory care rooms/skilled nursing beds.

The facility would have no more than 75 apartments, 155 assisted living rooms/memory care rooms, and no more than 40 skilled nursing beds.

The development would also include accessory amenities intended for the development’s residents and employees but not for use by the general public.

The application was submitted to the County by Vernon Geddy on behalf of Frye Development, LLC.

The Master Plan was approved for the property 13 years ago. However, the proposed Master Plan amendment would change the 2007 proposed unit mixture by significantly increasing the number of single-family and multifamily units and significantly decreasing the number of proposed apartments.

The JCC Planning Commission heard the proposal at its Dec. 1 meeting. During the public hearing portion, several citizens raised concerns over the increased traffic impact the development would cause on News Road.

The Planning Commission approved the amendment by a vote of 5-1.

Prior to the JCC Board of Supervisors meeting, the applicant requested a referral of the case until March 8 to make revisions based on the concerns raised about the proposal.

There will also be a public hearing for the proposal during the March 8 meeting.

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