As the holiday season continues, fears of “Grinch” thieves and increasing crime rates aren’t corroborated in local or federal data.
In Williamsburg, the crime rate doesn’t increase between Halloween and New Year’s Eve, according to Williamsburg Police spokesman Maj. Greg Riley.
The trend for Williamsburg is also the trend for its two neighboring localities: York and James City counties.
While the overall crime rate doesn’t increase in York County over the holiday season, deputies are warning residents to secure mail packages.
“The only crime that really becomes more prevalent during the holidays is package theft off porches, but so far I have not heard of any yet this year,” Capt. Dennis Ivey wrote in an email.
James City County Police spokeswoman Stephanie Williams said there was no marked increase in the crime rate during the same period.
“There doesn’t seem to be any real stand out for an increase or decrease of any specific type of crime during the 4th quarter (October-December),” Williams wrote in an email.
Nationally, crime rates tend to increase and decrease seasonally, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Crime across the nation is highest in the hotter summer months, and decreases through autumn, and winter until the cycle begins trending upward again in the spring, a report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics states.
“On average, household burglary rates were approximately 11 (percent) lower in winter…than in summer,” the report states.
In Williamsburg, the months of June, July, and August typically have an increase in the overall amount of crime, according to Riley.
The relatively unchanged crime rate in Greater Williamsburg during the holiday season has police officials from across the region encouraging residents to take a few preventive measures to avoid becoming the victim of a Grinch.
- Don’t advertise holiday plans on social media, as the information could be used by a burglar, according to a York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office Facebook post.
- Don’t post photographs of holiday gifts on social media.
- Lock the doors at home and on vehicles to prevent larcenists from gaining easy access, but don’t leave the keys to either or laying around, the post reads.
- Lock windows in homes and garages to dissuade would-be thieves from entering.
- Clean up tools left outdoors that could be used to break windows.
- Lock up firearms as leaving them in an unlocked car is bad practice.
- Remove automatic garage door openers from vehicles during the holiday season.
- While away on holiday plans, contact your local police department for a house check.
- If you have a home alarm, get in the habit of using it.
- After the holidays, don’t leave cardboard boxes for high-dollar items outside, according to the post.
“You are advertising all the good stuff you have to steal,” the post reads.
To find out more about house checks in Williamsburg, click here. To find out more about house checks in James City County, click here. To find out more about house checks in York County, click here.