Friday, February 7, 2025

Mathews VA250 Committee to Go Back in Time With the Colonial Williamsburg Fife & Drum Corps

The Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums Senior Corps. (Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)

MATHEWS — The Mathews VA250 Committee announced sponsorship of a performance by the Colonial Williamsburg Fife & Drum Corps on Saturday, May 4, at the upcoming Mathews County Spring Heritage Festival.

The festival, “May Faire 2024: A Rural Life,” will feature a performance by the Fife & Drum Corps on the Historic Court green that will signal the beginning of a two-year countdown to the nation’s 250th birthday on July 4, 2026.

The kickoff event will also showcase appearances by the last seated British Royal Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, and the patriot who took action to expel the Governor, General Andrew Lewis. Both will be escorted on stage by the Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum Corps.

The Corps will form up at 3 p.m. at the firehouse and begin its presentation on stage at 3:30 p.m. to close the day’s festivities. Festival-goers are encouraged to view the formation at the corner of Church and Brickbat Streets and follow the procession to the place of performance.

The Mathews Historical Museum notes the Commonwealth of Virginia is leading the nation in preparing for America’s 250th birthday celebration — a semi-quincentennial. The General
Assembly formed a Virginia Revolution 250 Commission in 2023, and in December, the Mathews County Board of Supervisors authorized its own committee, chaired by Fred Lyon and comprised of local volunteers.

A series of outreach events and activities is planned leading up to July 4, 2026.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit the official website.

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