Wednesday, February 12, 2025

James City County Releases FY2023 Proposed Budget

James City County has released its proposed Fiscal Year 2023 budget (Courtesy of James City County)

JAMES CITY COUNTY — James City County (JCC) Administrator Scott Stevens has released his Fiscal Year 2023 (FY2023) Proposed Budget.

The budget plan, which was announced on Monday, March 28, takes into account several different factors. According to Renee Dallman, public information officer for County administration, some of these considerations include: employee retention, recruitment, services to the community, as well as paying for capital improvement projects.

Other items taken into consideration include the economic conditions as a result of supply chain shortage and rising costs. Additionally, the proposed budget is mindful of resources shared between the County and the Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools (WJCC) in ensure that funds are fairly allocated in order to benefit community needs.

The press release from JCC notes the following highlights:

  • No tax rate change. The real estate tax rate is recommended to remain at 84 cents per $100 valuation.
  • Based on information published by the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), used vehicles values are at all-time highs, which is expected to be temporary. To provide some tax relief to those impacted, the County adopted an assessment ratio of only 75 percent of the NADA values for motor vehicles.
  • Fee increases are proposed for the County’s ambulance transport services, which are impacted by Medicare rates.
  • Funding for a 5 percent and a $1,500 increase to each eligible employee’s salary implemented in FY2022.
  • Funding for 8 new full-time positions, 4 conversions of part-time positions to full-time, reclassifications of several existing positions, and new or updated career ladders.
  • Sharing in the increased cost of health insurance coverage offered to employees and other adjustments to fringe benefit rates.
  • Restoration of pay-as-you-go funding for the County’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which had been suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • An increase in funding to the WJCC School Division of $1.2 million.

Once the budget plan has been adopted, it will cover the periods between July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.

Residents are encouraged to provide input on the budget plan during the following meetings:

  • A Budget Community Meeting will be held on Tues., April 5 at 3 p.m. at 101 Mounts Ba Road, Building F. Additionally, residents can stream the meeting live on Facebook, through the County’s website, its YouTube Channel, and by watching Cox Cable channels 48 and 1048. Residents may also submit questions and comments in advance by emailing
  • A public hearing will be held during the Board of Supervisors meeting, which will take place on Tues., April 12 at 5 p.m. at 101 Mounts Bay Road, Building F. Input can be emailed in advance to or by leaving a message by calling (757) 253-6605. Residents can also watch the meeting at the same resources as the Budget Community Meeting.

The JCC Board of Supervisors is expected to vote on the FY2023 Proposed Budget during its meeting on Tuesday, May 10.

For more information or to read the FY2023 Proposed Budget, please visit the County’s website.

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