NEWPORT NEWS — The Virgil I. Grissom Library is supposed to get a makeover as part of the Denbigh-Warwick Area Plan.
But when does construction start?
Not any time soon.
“…I do know that there are no designs or cost estimate or timeline at this point and that no decision has been made on its location,” Kim Lee, spokeswoman for the city, wrote in a text message.
The project to replace the existing library was just one of several parts of the Denbigh-Warwick Area plan to “stabilize the neighborhood and attract new investment”.
“This study will take a broad look at revitalization and redevelopment opportunities in the commercial areas along and adjacent to the Warwick Boulevard corridor and will provide direction for future public and private investment, as recommended in the City’s proposed One City, One Future Comprehensive Plan 2040,” according to the Denbigh-Warwick Area Plan on the city’s website. Read more about the Denbigh-Warwick Area Plan here.
The last activity related to the new Grissom library was on July 29, when the project was added to the 2023 Capital Improvements Plan.
In January, residents were able to submit a survey about the future of Grissom library, a project that was slated for design in the 2019 fiscal year with construction starting in fiscal year 2020-2021.
According to the project plan’s webpage, the design phase does not start until October 2022 with a construction end date in August 2025.
Grissom library is one of five public libraries in Newport News where residents can access free resources such as the Ancestry DNA website; patrons can also use a 3D printer. However, it is not the only library branch with an upcoming makeover. Two other branches, Main Street and Pearl Bailey, are expected to undergo some changes although the designs are not final nor has the city allocated funding for the two projects.
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