Monday, February 17, 2025

Langley AFB to spray for mosquitoes this week

Modified C-130 Hercules aircraft are used to combat mosquitoes at Langley Air Force Base (WYDaily photo/Courtesy U.S. Air Force)
Modified C-130 Hercules aircraft are used to combat mosquitoes at Langley Air Force Base (WYDaily photo/Courtesy U.S. Air Force)

Langley Air Force Base will conduct aerial spraying for mosquitoes this week, but the pesticides will be contained to the base and Craney Island, according to York County Mosquito Control.

Modified C-130 Hercules aircraft are used during the mosquito-spraying missions, which generally begin around dusk to minimize the effect of the pesticides on beneficial insects such as bees. Because of the large turning radius required by the planes, some York County residents may see the aircraft overhead; however, no other areas nearby will sprayed, Mosquito Control said.

Recently, officials confirmed that a mosquito captured at Langley tested positive for West Nile Virus. No cases of the virus have been reported by health officials, the base said.

The spraying is expected to be conducted starting Monday (Aug. 27) through Thursday (Aug. 30).

Anyone with questions about the spraying should contact County Mosquito Control at 757-890-3790.

Bryan DeVasher
Bryan DeVasher
Bryan DeVasher is the managing editor-digital of WYDaily. A resident of Hampton Roads for more than two decades, he has worked for news organizations in Virginia, Illinois, Missouri and Indiana. He most recently was a member of the public relations staff for Virginia State Police.

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