Sunday, January 19, 2025

James City County Launches Strategic Plan Website

strategic plan site
A screenshot from the new James City County Strategic Plan website,

James City County residents can follow the strategic plan process, access presentations and give feedback via a new website.

The website,, was developed by national planning firm Clarion Associates, which is guiding the county through its strategic plan process.

Features include an FAQ about the process, an event calendar and documents from meetings with the Board of Supervisors and two advisory committees: the Strategic Planning Advisory Group, which includes business and community stakeholders, and the Technical Advisory Group, which include county department heads.

There is also an email list that residents can subscribe to for updates and a comment section that allows website users to ask questions or send feedback.

In an emailed statement, County Administrator Bryan Hill said Clarion is incorporating the strategic planning themes that were brainstormed during the kickoff meetings while also poring over research documents as it prepares its first draft vision for the plan.

“The process is deliberate, thorough and open which is necessary, appropriate and expected,” Hill said.

The Phase 1 strategic plan report, which will include the first draft vision, will be presented to the Strategic Planning Advisory Group and the Technical Advisory Group on Jan. 11 and to the Board of Supervisors during its Jan. 26 work session.

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