JAMES CITY COUNTY — Catch up on news and notes in brief from James City County.
Drug Take Back Day is Scheduled on Oct 26
On Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the James City County Police Department will host National Prescription Drug Take Back Day in partnership with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The DEA and its partner organizations will collect unneeded medications at thousands of locations nationwide to combat addiction and the opioid crisis.
Numerous collection sites are planned for the Hampton Roads region, and citizens can visit the James City County Law Enforcement Center at 4600 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, Virginia 23188, to dispose of their unwanted and expired medications. Disposal is free and anonymous.
Collection sites will not accept syringes, sharps or illicit drugs. Liquid products should remain in their original containers, with the cap tightly sealed to prevent leakage.
For more information and to locate other collection sites near you, visit www.DEATakeBack.com.
Paving Project Oct. 28-30 at Warhill Sports Complex
A section of the parking lot at the Warhill Sports Complex will be closed for repaving from Oct. 28 to 30. The affected area is near the Multiuse Fields off Warhill Trail (refer to the red box in the image below). Alternative parking is available in the parking lot in front of the Williamsburg Indoor Sports Complex (WISC) and on the opposite side of the Multiuse Fields by Wanner Stadium, 4900 Stadium Rd. For more information or questions, please contact Tyler Cobb, Operations Manager, at 757-259-5352.
Take the Survey: Understanding Homelessness on the Virginia Peninsula
James City County residents are invited to take part in a short survey about housing and homelessness in the Greater Virginia Peninsula.
Viam Advising, a Houston-based firm helping communities work to end homelessness, has been contracted to conduct a study to understand homelessness in the Greater Virginia Peninsula. Three main questions are guiding the firm’s research:
- What is the current state of homelessness and services in the Peninsula?
- How could existing community stakeholders, resource allocations, and service strategies be reconfigured to achieve the greatest efficiency?
- What extent of new resources, programming, and service strategies would be necessary to achieve the short-, medium-, and long-term goals? And, how should those new inputs be configured?
The Virginia Peninsula Homelessness Study Survey is open to anyone living or working in the peninsula (Newport News, Hampton, Poquoson, Williamsburg, James City County, or York County). The survey can be found at https://viamadvising.com/understanding-homelessness-on-the-virginia-peninsula/.
The survey closes Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024.
Annual Closure Scheduled for the James City County Recreation Center
The James City County Recreation Center, 5301 Longhill Road, will be closed Nov. 18-24 for scheduled annual maintenance. While the Center is closed:
Program registrations and facility reservations are still accepted:
● By phone: Monday-Saturday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Sunday 1-5 p.m.
● Online, anytime: jamescitycountyva.gov/recreation
● Visit: Abram Frink Jr. Community Center, 8901 Pocahontas Trail in Grove, Monday-Thursday 4-9 p.m. and Friday 4-8 p.m.
Closure improvement projects scheduled include:
● floor refinishing of both racquetball courts, group fitness Studio 1 and the basketball courts
● aquatic maintenance
● painting in several areas and carpet cleaning
The Group Fitness Studio 1 will be closed beginning Nov. 8 for electrical work and sanding of the floors. Group fitness classes will be held in conference rooms AB&C from Nov. 8-17.
Membership fees include an annual maintenance shutdown. Passes are accepted at the Abram Frink Jr. Community Center during normal operating hours (noted above).