Sunday, February 16, 2025

Need a Jolt of Inspiration? Yorktown Man’s Morning Fuel Podcast Aims to Do Just That

John Bundy, the host of Morning Fuel podcast (Morning Fuel podcast)

YORKTOWN — John Bundy set out to help his 13-year-old daughter start a YouTube channel. After seeing his daughter’s success, Bundy’s wife mentioned that he had a face for radio, and “Morning Fuel Podcast” was born.

“Morning Fuel” is for those looking for a bit of inspiration. Bundy interviews local business owners, entrepreneurs, ministers, and change makers on a multitude of subjects. With his own passionate faith as his guide, Bundy aims to share others’ stories as a source of inspiration.

“I look forward to, and get giddy about, each episode. I believe that everyone has a story, and I believe that wholeheartedly. We have a choice, we can share that story and people will be set free. Maybe by sharing your story, someone else will hear it and realize that there is hope,” Bundy said.

Working out of Gather, a co-working space in Newport News, Bundy interviews guests in a casual setting and treats each interview as a conversation. The podcast is free for guests, who share about their business or entrepreneurship journey.

“The podcast brings attention to what people are doing. People don’t look at billboards anymore, very few people read the news anymore, but they are on their computer and phones all day long. Where do you go as a business owner? You want to go to where the eyeballs are. This podcast is an opportunity for people to reach those who never would have seen their product or service before,” Bundy shares.

The name “Morning Fuel” came from a book series that inspired Bundy to find a purpose in his life.

“The name for the show came from a morning routine that I had to start to get out of depression and anxiety. I read a book by Hal Elrod called “Miracle Morning.” He studied attributes of very successful people and some of the similarities were what they did in the mornings. I developed a morning routine out of that which is prayer and meditation, sitting in silence, reading, writing, journaling, affirmation, and visualization. I do those every morning and on the days that I miss doing them, I feel it. On the days that I follow my routine, I have a much better day,” Bundy explains.

During an episode of “Morning Fuel,” Bundy introduces his fans to his guest for that episode. Only using a small bit of background research on the person he’s interviewing, Bundy looks to create a real conversation with his guest.

“There is no agenda here, it’s really just a small outline. I want to hear how the person started, if there were any struggles, and how the person got over those struggles. I also like to find out what my guest needs. There might be somebody who can be of help to my guest who can help with their needs. It’s all about connecting people,” Bundy said.

As the show has gained traction, Bundy is taking his podcast knowledge to the next level. “Morning Fuel” is actively offering podcast classes where those interested in beginning their own podcast can learn from the tips and tricks that Bundy has learned over the years with his own show. He starts with the basics of the tools and equipment required to start a podcast and happily answers any and all questions related to podcasting.

“We really start from their idea of the podcast. We take them through everything we have learned, all of the software that we use, even an equipment list so that they can truly have their own podcast journey. With a podcast, everyone is afforded their own radio station,” Bundy said.

Currently, “Morning Fuel” has listeners in India, United States, and Africa. Not targeting any specific countries, Bundy says he is happy with the growth in three seasons.

Gearing up to launch season four of the podcast series, Bundy sees how far he has come. He’s also been inspired by many of the guests he has featured on the show.

“I’ve gotten so many tips in both business and personal life. I have people that have said quotes that I’ve not forgotten. What’s incredible is that I get to add another family member and really get to know the people that I’m interviewing by the time the episode is over. It’s better than networking…it’s like networking on a different level,” Bundy says.

When it comes to his hopes for the future of “Morning Fuel,”, Bundy would ideally love to monetize the podcast.

“If I could fully support my wife and our family and our missions through this podcast, I’d be lucky. Local business is my heart and in-person interviews is what I love,” Bundy shared.

Wanting to spread his mission further than just Virginia, the Bundy family recently purchased a home in Puerto Rico that will serve as a respite for people in creative industries — a place to relax, unwind and get away from all their stressors.

“Morning Fuel” podcast episodes are available on all podcast streaming platforms. For more information on the show or to apply to be a guest on a future episode, visit

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