Here’s hoping March comes in like a lamb, not a lion. This weekend boasts a wide range of activities for music fans, and for bibliophiles of any age.
Want to see your event included in What You’ll Do? We pull these ideas from our community calendar, which you can find on the right side of Submitting to the calendar is free and easy, so make sure to add upcoming events for your group or organization.
Tunes and Steps
The William & Mary Symphony Orchestra will play its first concert of the semester, starting at 8 p.m. Thursday. The program features the 2014 Student Concerto Competition winner Arjun Malhotra, who will be featured in the “Rhapsody for Clarinet & Orchestra” by Claude Debussy. The concert will be in the Commonwealth Auditorium in the Sadler Center, and will also include music by Henri Rabaud and Franz Schubert.
The Hark will perform a benefit concert Saturday evening, with a program of rock, soul and folk music. All proceeds go to the Eliminate Project, a joint effort by Kiwanis International & UNICEF against neonatal tetanus. The concert starts at 7 p.m. at the James-York Playhouse.
The fifth annual Dancing with the Williamsburg Stars will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday at Phi Beta Kappa Hall on the William & Mary campus. Come to watch local celebrities take on ballroom dance steps as they compete for top honors and to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Virginia Peninsula and Literacy for Life. Read the Hometown story to find out more about the event and this year’s dancers.
On Sunday evening, a choir from the University of Virginia, will sing their Spring Concert at Hickory Neck Episcopal Church. Jubilate has two members who are Williamsburg residents and graduates of Lafayette High School. The program starts at 5 p.m. with a reception afterward.
Lovers of Literature
In honor of Read Across America Day on Friday, Walsingham Academy will host its third Annual Dr. Seuss Birthday Bash. Starting at 6:30 p.m., pajama-clad children in grades pre-k through third grade and their parents are invited to an evening of birthday treats and reading. The event is free and open to the public, but guests must have a ticket to attend.
The Jane Austen Society North America Southeastern VA Region will hold a Jane Austen Spring Celebration and Dance at 1 p.m. Sunday at the Woman’s Club of Toano. There will be period dancing, skits, a lecture by Amy Stalling on “An Easy Step to Silence” and light refreshments. Costumes are encouraged but not required for the event, which is open to those 15 or older.
Tribe Athletics
Tribe women’s basketball takes on Northwestern on Thursday night. The game starts at 7 p.m. at Kaplan Arena.
College baseball season is underway. Watch the Tribe men’s team play against UMBC at 4 p.m. Friday. They will be playing at Plumeri Park on Ironbound Road.
Support a Cause
Team LEU-Victory Riders will be fundraising while fighting identity theft Saturday at the Target in Monticello Marketplace. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., bring grocery bags with sensitive information to be shredded. The first bag is free, with $5 per bag for each additional one. The event benefits a team of local law enforcement officers preparing for a 250-mile memorial bicycle ride. The trek honors the memory of fallen law enforcement officers and strives to provide funding toward services for the surviving family members, coworkers and communities.
For the romantic month of February, the Williamsburg Regional Library’s Thursday Afternoon Film Series has featured movies concerning the Other Woman and conflicted love affairs. This week’s film is “The Hamilton Woman” (1941), starring Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh. It was nominated for three Academy Awards, and starts at 2 p.m. in the library’s theater.
City Arts Cafe and Young Life Capernaum will host a free screening of “Season of Miracles,” starting at 6 p.m. Thursday at the Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church. The movie tells the story of a youth baseball team chanced by the addition of an autistic boy to the group. Writer Rusty Whitener will be in attendance to answer questions about the film.
Learn Something New
The Peninsula Chicken Keepers (PeCK) will hold their regular meeting Thursday evening, starting at 7 p.m. at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. This month’s topic focuses on raising baby chicks.
Anahata Yoga Center will present a class on “Mindfulness for Improved Health and Well-Being” Sunday afternoon. Led by Jennifer Daly, Ph.D., the two-hour introduction session begins at 3 p.m. and will focus on mindfulness to reduce depression and anxiety, improve sleep, and helps people feel more contented. The center will also hold “7 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress” at 5:30 p.m. Sunday.
Larry Chowning will speak Sunday afternoon for The Tidewater Virginia Historical Society spring lecture. Chowning is a maritime historian, lecturer and author on the Chesapeake, its watermen and the Civil War. The free event will be at 3 p.m. the Williamsburg Regional Library.