HISTORIC TRIANGLE — Catch up on important news and notes in brief from in and around the Historic Triangle.
Liz Moore & Associates Potluck with a Purpose Raises over $4,000 for Edmarc
Jake Evans, Director of Operations for Liz Moore & Associates, and Virginia Payne, Director of the Liz Moore Property Management Division, hosted a “Dog Days of Summer” potluck lunch grilling hotdogs and serving sangria from La Tienda, raising $4,026, a new Liz Moore potluck record.
All proceeds were donated to Edmarc, the first hospice in the nation designed for children that has been serving the Hampton Roads community for over 40 years and is now expanding to the Williamsburg/Gloucester area.
Liz Moore & Associates’ Potluck with a Purpose lunches are held monthly and are hosted by agents and staff. The host cooks and provides lunch for a cash donation to the cause of their choice.
Annie the Blind Cow Receives Library Card
Life with Pigs Farm Animal Sanctuary’s 2-year-old blind dwarf cow Annie became the first cow to receive her own library card and checked out an audiobook appropriately titled “Moo.” at the James City County Public Library Tuesday, Aug. 30. A meet and greet followed that gave a closer look into her life and the lives of the other rescued animals at Life with Pigs. Information on visiting the sanctuary and donations can be found on the Life with Pigs Website.
Virginia War Memorial Seeks Entries For 2022 Veterans Day Student Essay Contest
The Virginia War Memorial in Richmond is seeking entries for its Virginia War Memorial 2022 Veterans Day Student Essay Contest. The topic is “A Virginian who served in the United States military during the Vietnam War who inspires you.” Essays should be 500-750 words in length and utilize interviews and primary sources whenever possible.
The competition is open to all Virginia middle and high school age public, private and homeschooled students. One winner will be selected from among all middle school entries (grades 6-8) and one from high school entries (grades 9-12). Winners will each receive a prize package courtesy of the Virginia War Memorial Foundation and each of their designated teachers will receive a $100 gift card to purchase classroom supplies. Winners will also be invited to come to Richmond to read aloud their essays and participate in the Commonwealth’s Veterans Day Ceremony at the Virginia War Memorial on Friday, Nov. 11.
The deadline for entries to be submitted to the Virginia War Memorial website is 11:59 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 16. Complete information regarding the essay theme, rules, guidelines and how to enter is available online or by contacting Virginia War Memorial Assistant Education Director Crystal Coon at crystal.coon@dvs.virginia.gov.
Williamsburg Yorktown American Revolution Round Table
Iris de Rode, Ph.D., will give a free lecture, “The Battle of Yorktown through French eyes,” on Thursday, Oct. 6 at the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. Doctor de Rode has published “François-Jean de Chastellux (1734-1788), un soldat-philosophe dans le monde atlantique à l’époque des Lumières” (trans: a soldier-philosopher in the Atlantic world at the time of the Enlightenment) and will present observations from Chastellux and other officers’ perspectives to the events that lead to the victory at Yorktown, 241 years ago.
Oyster Roast Fundraiser
Gloucester Museum Celebrating 50 Years of Girl Scouting at Camp Burke’s Mill Pond
The Gloucester Museum of History is launching a new exhibit featuring Girl Scout Camp Burke’s Mill Pond this Saturday. The exhibit, which will be open through 2023, will tell the story of the camp, showcasing 12 objects, including camp wear and official Girl Scout items from the 1970s. The exhibit will also include photographs and archival documents. The Gloucester Museum of History partnered with the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast to produce the exhibit.
Owned and operated by the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast, Camp Burke’s Mill Pond was established in 1972 near the site of an old flour mill. Through the 1970s and 1980s, the camp grew with new activities and increased visitation from local and regional troops. In 1993, a troop house funded by the J. Edwin Treakle Foundation was built by volunteers. A bathhouse with running water was also constructed. More recently, in 2015, a swimming pool was dedicated. Although the old mill building is no longer standing, the camp’s landscape retains its natural and historic feel.
The Museum is located at 6539 Main Street and is open Mondays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Admission is free. For more information, contact Kelly at 804-693-1234 or rkelly@gloucesterva.info.
Wreaths Across America Makes National Call to Stand Out and Wave Flags to Remember 9/11 Anniversary
On Sunday, Sept. 11, the national nonprofit Wreaths Across America (WAA) is calling on all Americans to join together in waving the American flag in their own communities to commemorate the 21st anniversary of 9/11. Members of the WAA family, including staff, volunteers, Gold Star and Blue Star Families, and veterans, will join to share in the patriotic act of waving the flag, and sharing the stories of those who raised their hand to serve following the events of that fateful day. The flag waving will start at 8:46 a.m. and end at 10:03 a.m. Join by tuning in to the organization’s Official Facebook page, and participants are encouraged to share pictures and videos from your own community flag waving. Use the hashtag #FlagsAcrosstheCountry and #AmericaStrong when posting on social media and tag the Wreaths Across America Official Facebook page. Learn more here. To watch the Facebook live event go here.