Thursday, October 10, 2024

The City of Williamsburg to Host Historic Triangle Recreational Facilities Authority

The Historic Triangle Recreational Facilities Authority will be holding its first meeting of the year. (City of Williamsburg)

WILLIAMSBURG — There will be a lot of movement at the Stryker Center this week for the City of Williamsburg and for the Historic Triangle.

On Jan. 12, 2022, at 3 p.m. at the Stryker Center, 412 N. Boundary St., the Historic Triangle Recreational Facilities Authority (HTRFA) will hold its first meeting of the year. On the agenda:

  • Conisderation and Adoption of Bylaws
    The staff recommendation is that the board adopt the HTRFA bylwas as presented in a draft. Theze bylaws are proposed for the purpose to govern meeting conduct, board composition, and leadership. The drafted bylaws that are being suggested for adoption by board can be found here.
  • Nomination and Election of Chari, Vice-Chair, and Secretary
    HTRFA will need to nominate and elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer. The agenda item summary published on the cities website notes, “A future election for treasurer may also be required.”
  • Discussion and Review of the Declared Intent for the Historic Triangle Recreational Facilities Authority
  • Adoption of PPEA Guidelines
    The staff recommendation is that the board adopt PPEA guidlines that mirror the City of Williamsburg’s PPEA guidelines.
  • Consideration and Authroization for the Chair to Execute a Contract for Legal Services
    HTRFA will need to obtain legal counsel. However, it’s noted that the jurisdictional attorneys cannot serve in this role. Therefore, a proposed engagement letter with Steven A. Meade of Patten, Wornom, Hatten & Diamonstein, L.C. is submitted for consideration.
  • Consideration and Authorization for the Chair to executre an engagement letter for Financial Advisor Services with Davenport Public Finance
    HTRFA will requrie the services of a financial advisor in order to pursue bonds for public projects. According the agenda summary, “The City of Williamsburg and James City County utilize Davenport Public Finance for such services currently.”

    The staff recommends the Chair to engage Davenport Public Finance as Financial Advisor for the Authority.
  • Consideration and Appointment of a Fiscal and Purchasing Agent
    HTRFA will need a fiscal and procurement agent. The staff recommendation is for appointing the City of Williamsburg Department of Finance as the Fiscal and procurement Agent for the Authority.

Also, On Jan. 12, 2022, the City of Williamsburg’s Economic Development Authority will meet. The meeting will feature many Liaison Reports including:

  • Williamsburg Downtown Liaison Report – Adam Steely: This report will reflect on the Photos with Santa event. The report will also discuss the board composition where one seat still remains open.
  • The Eastern Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Authority (EVRIFA) – Harold Philpsen and Barbara Ramsey:
    The report will discuss EVRIFA acquiring a 423-acre former Commonwealth of Vriginia Emergency Fuel Farm on Dec. 17, 2021. EVRIFA also executed a concurrent lease of a portion of that property for development as a 20MW solar energy facility.
  • Planning Commission Liaison Report: The report will discuss how there will be a new planning commission Liaison assisned to the Economic Development Authority at the Febuary or March Planning Commission meeting.
  • City Council – Barbara Ramsey

    The next Economic Development meeting will be held Feb. 9, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. at the Stryker Center Room 128.

    Lastly, the City of Williamsburg City Council will be hosting its first meeting of 2022.

    New business on the agenda includes:
  • Consideration and Approval of a Contract with CAS Severen for Hyperconverged System Replacement in the amount of $103,907.76.
    The staff recommendation is to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with CAS SEVERN for replacement of the City’s hyperconverged enviroment in the amount of $103,907.76. The City of Williamsburg currently relies on a hyperconverged storage and compute system to power all virtual servers that operate city applications.
  • Consideration and Approval of Resolution #22-01 – A budget Amendment for the Fiscal Year Ending Jun 30, 2022
  • Consideration of Reoslution #22-02 amending the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund FY22 Budget to approve the Williamsburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority’s (WRHA) Safety and Security Project and the City’s Cyber Infrastructure Replacement Projects.
    Staff recommends that City Council approve Resolution #22-02 appropriating $250,000 for the WRHA Safety and Security Project and $275,000 for the Cyber Infrasture projects.
  • Consideration of Resolution #22-03 Amending the General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022, and Upgrading the Graphic Designer Position from part time to full-time
    Staff recommends City Council approves resolution #22-03 appropriating $25,000 and increasing autorized positions from 220 to 220.5

    More information about upcoming city meetings can be found at City of WIlliamsburg’s Civic website.

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