JAMES CITY COUNTY — The James City County (JCC) Planning Commission will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 5 at 6 p.m. at the County Government Center Board Room, 101 Mounts Bay Rd.
The agenda for Wednesday’s meeting has several items up for discussion, including the Hazelwood Farms Enterprise Center.
Hazelwood Farms has applied to rezone around 328 acres in the County for a new development called The Enterprise Center, which would include up to nearly three million square feet of warehouse and industrial use, up to 75,000 square feet of commercial use and up to 250 residential dwelling units.
The JCC Board of Supervisors approved another proposed development from Hazelwood Farms called The Village Center, in December.
The Planning Commission postponed the consideration of The Enterprise Center until January, requesting that Hazelwood Farm review and make changes to their plan that was first proposed in October.
There will be an open public hearing for the Enterprise Center at Wednesday’s meeting.
The agenda also includes public hearings for a special use permit to construct around a 6,049-square-foot convenience store with six fueling islands at 4007 Ironbound Rd., as well as a request to amend the adopted proposals for a parcel of land zoned B-1 General Business “to revise the timing of the required signal warrant study at 6940 and 6950 Richmond Rd.”
The agenda can be found on the JCC government website.