WILLIAMSBURG — The ConVivial pop-culture and science fiction convention will open its doors at Williamsburg’s Clarion Hotel Jan. 12-14.
The event bills itself as “a friendly con in Tidewater Virginia,” and its name reflects that vision.
“We were looking for something to capture what we are trying to bring uniquely to the convention scene; that being a focus not on one or more specific areas of Fandom, but one of getting together to have fun,” according to its website.
Citing a definition from Dictionary.com, planners note convivial is a word that is synonymous with a friendly, agreeable, or festive atmosphere.
“We will provide a welcoming, harassment-free, and exciting environment for fans of all aspects of geek culture with a focus on diversity in our invited guests and activities. We look to bring attention to up-and-coming independent authors, artists, musicians and content creators through unique programming, entertainment offerings, and a dedicated space to interact with, and be found by, new fans and friends,” it continues.
According to the convention’s planners, the event aims to highlight geek enthusiasm for all things pop culture, including science fiction, fan-centric music, tabletop gaming and cosplay. A number of guests will also be in attendance, including author Keith R. A DeCandido, musicians HipHopMcDougal, and cosplayer Angela Pritchett.
Pre-registration is open until Dec. 31 at a discounted rate. Tickets can also be purchased at the door. Children 11 years old and younger may attend for free, and youths 17 and under pay $15 regardless of when their ticket is purchased.
For more information on guests and activities, or to purchase tickets, visit the event’s official website.