Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Girl Scouts, Community Center Closed, and Road Closure: News Briefs for Aug. 7

HISTORIC TRIANGLE — Catch up on important news and notes in brief from in and around the Historic Triangle.

Girl Scout Cadettes Amiyah Snagg and Isabella Mims (left to right) took aim during archery practice on the range of Camp Skimino last week. (Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast)

Williamsburg Girl Scouts Take Aim at Camp Skimino

Girl Scout Cadettes Amiyah Snagg and Isabella Mims took aim during archery practice on the range of Camp Skimino last week. Located in Williamsburg on 98 acres, Camp Skimino is a destination for outdoor programs and attracts Girl Scouts from all over the area. Modern and rustic facilities come together at Camp Skimino and include an indoor climbing wall located in the Enmeier Program Center and Dining Hall, an in-ground swimming pool, an archery range, high and low ropes courses, and more. Learn more about the Girl Scouts and Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast at gsccc.org.

Abram Frink Jr. Community Center Closed Aug. 9-14

The Abram Frink Jr. Community Center, 8901 Pocahontas Trail in Grove, will be closed Aug. 9-14 for annual gym floor refinishing work. The Frink Center will reopen Monday, Aug. 15. During the closure, all active Frink Center pass holders may use the James City County Recreation Center, Monday-Friday, during normal operating hours. For more information, call 757-887-5810 or 757-259-4200.

Literacy for Life welcomes Thomas Claiborne to Board of Directors

Thomas Claiborne (Literacy for Life)

Literacy for Life recently welcomed Thomas Claiborne to its Board of Directors. Claiborne is the Outreach Officer for Chesapeake Bank in Williamsburg. “He joined Chesapeake because of its reputation as a mission-driven community bank, which aligns with Thomas’ passion for helping people improve their lives by strengthening their financial position,” according to Literacy for Life. In 2020, accepted the role of Committee Chair for Chesapeake Bank’s first Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Claiborne grew up in York County and has lived all over the Peninsula, currently residing in Poquoson with his wife, Tanya, and their two children. He will serve as Literacy for Life’s Treasurer.

Dominion Energy Declares Quarterly Dividend of 66.75 Cents

The board of directors of Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) declared a quarterly dividend of 66.75 cents per share of common stock. Dividends are payable on Sept. 20 to shareholders of record at the close of business Sept. 2. This is the 378th consecutive dividend that Dominion Energy or its predecessor has paid holders of common stock, according to a press release. The company’s last quarterly dividend was declared May 11.

(James City County)

Indigo Park Intersection to Close For Water Main Replacement Aug. 8-12

Cooley Road will be closed at the intersection of John Tyler Highway from Aug. 8-12 for a water main replacement project taking place in the Indigo Park neighborhood. Residents should use Duer Drive to access the neighborhood. For more information, call the James City Service Authority at  757-253-6800.

Pancake Breakfast at Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport

The next pancake breakfast benefitting The Williamsburg Aviation Scholarship Program will be held Saturday, Aug. 13 from 8-11:00 a.m. at the Williamsburg Jamestown Airport (KJGG). Held rain or shine on the second Saturday each month April through November, all proceeds benefit Williamsburg Aviation Scholarship Program Students. Watch the airplanes and meet scholarship students, parents and board members as they serve up two pancakes, two eggs and two sausages, with coffee and juice. Cost is just $8 per person ($5 for kids). There are currently 11 high school students enrolled in the Scholarship Program aiming to achieve their private pilots license.

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