The Rose & Womble Market Snapshot reports that last month 44% of Hampton homes were sold within 30 days of their listing date. In total, 166 homes were sold, up 6.4% year over year.
The full snapshot for the market appears below. Complete stats are available by clicking here.
About Rose and Womble
Rose & Womble Realty Co. was born and bred in Hampton Roads – our owners live and work here in the Seven Cities. We are a family-owned and operated business – with multiple generations working at all levels, from agents to managers. Our leadership and support services are all located in Hampton Roads. We enjoy ‘Connecting Heart and Home’ for you everyday.
If you have any further questions or need real estate services, please contact our Online Sales Consultant Kaitlin here.
*Market Data Courtesy of REIN. Analysis by Rose & Womble Realty. Deemed accurate but not guaranteed.