Monday, February 17, 2025

Notice: Change In Limited Access [Free read]

Change in Limited Access Control Humelsine Parkway (State Route 199), County of York, Virginia.

The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has established limited access right of way for Route 199. A change in limited access is being requested by EAH, LLC (owner) to allow access for a development, Marquis Crossing. The proposed break in limited access is along the west side of Rt.199 directly across from the existing intersections of Marquis Parkway (225ft) and Water Country Parkway (200ft).

The application shall be in accordance with Resolution R19-138, approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County of York, Virginia on November 19th, 2019. Citizens are encouraged to submit written public comment regarding this proposed change by December 23 to Mike Goellner, EAH, LLC, 7700 Bonhomme Avenue, Suite 550 Saint Louis, MO 63105,, 314-341-3936.

The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) will consider this request for the proposed limited access break at a future meeting. VDOT ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact VDOT’s Civil Rights Division at 757.956.3000 or TDD/TTY 711 23693.

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