A retired environmental archaeologist will lead a discussion on oyster shells and bones this weekend.
Steve Atkins will host a walk and talk called “Tales from Oyster Shells & Bones” from 10 a.m. to noon on March 24 at New Quarter Park, located at 1000 Lakeshead Drive, according to a York County news release.
Atkins will interpret oyster shells and bones found at the Armistead manor house, which overlooks Queen’s Creek and the York River.
Atkins’ past work focuses on soils, plants, oyster shells and animal remains. His work also seeks to understand how and why people developed and lived on different landscapes.
The shells and bones, as well as ceramic, metal, glass, brick, and other fragments, were excavated during public archaeology events held at the park by the Fairfield Foundation.
The event is free and open to the public.