Saturday, January 25, 2025

Kids could win a Kindle for telling the county administrator how to do his job

The York County Library is presenting an essay contest, the winner of which will take home a Kindle Fire HD. (Courtesy Kevin Smith)
The York County Library is presenting an essay contest, the winner of which will take home a Kindle Fire HD. (Courtesy Kevin Smith)

An essay contest is inviting the leaders of tomorrow to give the leaders of today advice on their hometown.

In honor of Local Government Education Week, the County of the Future Essay Contest will give York County children the chance to give local government leaders their hopes and ideas for the county’s future, according to a news release from York County.

Middle school students are asked to give their vision for the county 50 years into the future. They should describe what changes they would like to see with infrastructure such as health care, schools and transportation, as well as recreation and shopping.

County Administrator Neil Morgan will judge all entries and determine a winner, who will receive a Kindle Fire HD.

Essays must be typed and between 200 and 500 words.

The contest is presented by the York County Public Library. Essays are due April 7.

Entries can be submitted via email to, or by mailing them to 100 Long Green Boulevard, Yorktown, VA 23693. The student’s name, address, phone number and school must be included.

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