Monday, February 10, 2025

Williamsburg PD to host ‘Coffee with a Cop’

Officers will be on hand to answer questions and listen to concerns while residents can get to know their community’s law enforcement officers, according to the release. (Courtesy photo/Google)
Officers will be on hand to answer questions and listen to concerns while residents can get to know their community’s law enforcement officers, according to the release. (Courtesy photo/Google)

Williamsburg residents will have the chance to meet and share a cup of coffee with city officers on Tuesday.

The Williamsburg Police Department will hold a meet and greet called “Coffee with a Cop” at Mama Steve’s House of Pancakes on Tuesday, according to a Williamsburg Police Department news release. Residents can stop by between 8 and 10 a.m. for coffee and conversation with local law enforcement.

Officers will be on hand to answer questions and listen to concerns while residents can get to know their community’s law enforcement officers.

The last Coffee with a Cop was held in October. The event is now held multiple times per year while in the past the event was held annually, Maj. Greg Riley said in October.

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