HISTORIC TRIANGLE — News and notes in brief from in and around the Historic Triangle.
Kiwanis Club of Williamsburg

The Kiwanis Club of Williamsburg was a star recipient at this past weekend’s Capital District Kiwanis Midyear Conference, held at The Resort at Glade Springs in Daniels, West Virginia. Attending the conference were Lynne Williams, Scott and Missy Zimmerman, and Steve Huebner.
The club earned nine Distinguished Member awards for this past year and also met the criteria for Distinguished Club. In addition, its Lieutenant Governor for the past year, Missy Zimmerman, received recognition for achieving Distinguished Division for Division 12.
The nine Distinguished Members are: Greg Davy, Deb Giese, Doug Holroyd, Mike Lewis, Tony Pauroso, Gary Ripple, Lynne Williams, Missy Zimmerman and Scott Zimmerman.

The Kiwanis Club of Williamsburg recently had Jon Martin speak about his 45 years of experience in the entertainment industry. He is the former owner of Martin Entertainment LLC, which provided consulting, logistical, touring, accounting, and administrative services for entertainment professionals. He coordinated artists’ personal and business management teams and administered day-to-day operations for clients. Some of his clients included top entertainment artists, including Bruce Springsteen, Van Halen, R.E.M., Jimmy Buffett, Jennifer Lopez, Bette Midler, Cher, Joe Cocker, and ZZ Top.

The Kiwanis Club of Williamsburg had Christopher Six, the managing editor for WYDaily, as its speaker on March 20. Six is a passionate advocate of community journalism with more than 30 years in the media, corporate communications and marketing, and a respected voice in journalism ethics. He spoke about the state of newspapers and journalism today.
James City County Rotary Club

Annual Blessing of the Bikes Poker Run
Williamsburg Moose Lodge 757, Moose Riders will hold its annual Blessing of the Bikes Poker Run Saturday, April 6.
Entry cost is $15 for each rider, $5 for each passenger. There will also be a 50/50 raffle drawing at the last stop. Proceeds benefit Mooseheart and Moosehaven.
Registration opens at 9:30 a.m. Kickstands up at 11 a.m. The rain date for the event is April 13.
For more information, call 757-784-3208 (cell) or 757-565-9807 (lodge), or email wmbgmooseriders757@gmail.com.
Gloucester Launches Youth Needs Survey

Gloucester County has launched a Youth Needs Survey using its Zencity citizen engagement tool.
The survey, which will help local leaders gauge citizen interest in need-driven community-wide youth programming, will be utilizing digital advertising and social media platforms, the county said.
According to the county, Zencity is using “dynamic online sampling to ensure the survey reaches a full spectrum of residents to obtain a diverse representative sample of the entire community.” Social media users will see the survey appear in their news feeds from the Zencity username.
The survey can easily be completed on mobile devices or personal computers.
WATA Releases Second Survey for Draft Transit Strategic Plan
Williamsburg Area Transit Authority has released its second survey in participation with its Transit Strategic Plan: Evolving WATA.
WATA is seeking responses from riders and the public through its public survey, which includes information to help decide on the final draft plan for a new bus network. The plan shows how the WATA bus network could be run differently with 50% more service. The survey will end on April 5.
WATA will also host a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, April 2 from noon to 1 p.m. to explain the draft network and answer questions.
For more information on the Transit Strategic Plan and details for participating in the survey and public meetings, visit gowata.org/217/Transit-Strategic-Plan.
Paul Aron to speak on creative nonfiction at Chesapeake Bay Writers luncheon

The Chesapeake Bay Writers will host a special luncheon featuring acclaimed journalist, author, and editor Paul Aron on Wednesday, April 3, from 11:30 to 1:30, at Roccos Smokehouse Grill.
Aron will speak on the art of creative nonfiction and the audience will gain insights into effective storytelling techniques. Drawing from his extensive experience as a former editor at Doubleday, executive editor at Simon & Schuster, and director of publications for Colonial Williamsburg, Paul will share tips and editorial advice to help writers craft compelling nonfiction narratives.
To register for this event visit chesapeakebaywriters.org. Reservations will be accepted through March 31. CBW is a chapter of the Virginia Writers Club and welcomes both published and aspiring writers. For additional information about the group and its planned activities, visit chesapeakebaywriters.org or email CBWreply@gmail.com.