Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Kingship Brewing Co Celebrates its Grand Opening on May 27

Kingship Brewing Co. (WYDaily/Jillian Appel)

WILLIAMSBURG — Kingship Brewing Co, a coffee roastery and kombucha brewery on Palace Lane, will be celebrating its grand opening on Saturday, May 27.

Kingship was previously known as King of Clubs Brewing before being taken over by owner Elliott Schweickert in February 2022.

“It was always my dream since I was a young man to own a coffee shop,” Schweickert recalled. “So when this opportunity came I couldn’t say no to it.”

Schweickert hopes to support and nurture an environment that encourages communication between people. He has worked on remodeling and completely revamping the business to better support his goals and ideals.

“I believe that life and business flow at the speed of relationships,” Schweickert said. “Coffee shops are such a great medium to relax and cause people to come and put a pause on their day and connect. It’s a place where creativity is birthed and ideas are birthed. I know many of my business ideas and inspirations throughout my life came about in a coffee shop, sitting with friends and dreaming about the future.”

“To me, the definition of belonging is telling your story fully with courage, and I think a coffee shop is a great medium to do that,” he added.

Kingship had a soft opening on May 20. All of the blends are made by Kingship through its coffee roastery and kombucha brewery, something the business prides itself on. It also brews its kombucha and cold brew on a commercial scale.

“We are passionate about educating people on [kombucha],” Schweickert noted. “We want to tell people about it and give them a taste so they can fall in love with this product.”

Kingship is also looking at hosting various creative nights, from live music to poetry slams, to celebrate creativity in the community.

The Kingship Brewing Co’s grand opening will be on May 27 starting at 10 a.m. Hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Saturday. For more information about its offerings, visit its official webpage.

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