Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Colonial Williamsburg going to the dogs

For the second-consecutive year, Colonial Williamsburg will highlight the Halloween season by hosting a canine-themed costume contest and parade, with proceeds raised going to support the Heritage Humane Society.heritagehumanesociety

On Saturday, Oct. 15, dog-owners are invited to outfit their pets in their spookiest Halloween costumes and march them down Duke of Gloucester Street, the Revolutionary City’s main drag, in the “Dogs of DoG Street” event.

“Last year’s event was a huge success for the Heritage Humane Society,” said Kimberly Laska, the organization’s executive director. “This event has become a must-attend for dog owners or lovers in Williamsburg.”

In addition to raising much-needed money and supplies for the humane society, Laska said “Dogs of DoG Street” allows the humane society to showcase the animals it has available for adoption and, hopefully, find them new homes.

This year’s event will begin at 8 a.m., when gourmet dog treats prepared by Colonial Williamsburg’s apprentice chefs will be available at the Williamsburg Farmers Market in Merchants Square.

A streamlined parade check-in will be from 9:15 to 10:45 a.m. on the Palace Green, where guests can present their donations to the Heritage Humane Society. There they also can pose with their pets for a photo, watch a canine agility demonstration and learn about the Historical Hounds greyhound rescue.

The costume contest will begin at 10:30 a.m. on the Market Square stage, followed by the parade at 11 a.m. Led by George Washington and Colonial Williamsburg’s mascot, Liberty, marchers will stroll up Duke of Gloucester Street to Capitol Circle.

From 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., back at the Market Square stage, a live auction will feature modern and 18th-century-inspired pet products.

Event participants are asked to bring a donation from one of the following items on the Heritage Humane Society’s wish list:

  • Creamy low-fat peanut butter
  • Large Kong-brand dog toys
  • Chicken broth
  • Yesterday’s News-brand cat litter
  • Paper towels & toilet paper
  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Laundry detergent (HE preferred)
  • Bleach
  • Soft and chewy dog treats/Pedigree Dentastix-brand
  • Canned cat and kitten food (non-fish flavors)

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