A recount of ballots cast in the District 5 York County School Board race will take place next week.
The recount will be held at 9 a.m. Dec. 1 at the York-Poquoson Circuit Court. In a previous interview with WYDaily, Walt Latham, the York County voter registrar, said the recount should not take as long to complete as the 2013 Virginia attorney general recount, which went on for two days before the petitioner called off the count.
Sean Myatt, a Tabb resident who challenged incumbent Robert George for the District 5, trails George by one vote, according to official election results.
Myatt filed a petition for the recount with York County Circuit Court Nov. 13. In an email to WYDaily, Latham wrote a preliminary hearing was held Nov. 20 to prepare for the recount.
WJCC Court Administrator Debi Austin said Donald Lemons, chief justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, selected three judges to oversee the recount: Glenn Croshaw of Virginia Beach Circuit Court, Mary Jane Hall of Norfolk Circuit Court and Michael McGinty of the Williamsburg-James City County Circuit Court.
In an interview with WYDaily on election night, Myatt said he would request a recount as a gesture to his supporters.
The Virginia Department of Elections shows George holds the lead with 1,018 votes, while Myatt has 1,017 votes. District 5 has 8,297 registered voters.