HISTORIC TRIANGLE — Catch up on news and notes in brief from in and around the Historic Triangle.
Virginia State Parks to Hire more than 1,000 Rangers

Virginia State Parks are inviting job seekers interested in summer seasonal and hourly wage positions to explore the opportunities available at parks across the state.
Daily duties, pay rates and employment dates vary depending on the position and park’s needs. Seasonal and wage positions can lead to full-time careers, so opportunities for advancement are possible.
Jobs in demand include:
- Administrative assistant
- Contact ranger
- Education support specialist
- Food service ranger
- Groundskeeper
- Housekeeping ranger
- Lifeguard
- Maintenance ranger
- Office assistant
- Park interpreter
- Trades technician
For more information about seasonal, wage and full-time opportunities and to apply, go to virginiastateparks.gov/jobs.
Virginia Zoo to host Annual Breakfast with the Animals Event
Breakfast with the Animals, one of the Virginia Zoo’s most popular events, is back on March 16 from 8-10 a.m.
Tickets to the family-friendly event include grab-and-go breakfast items and beverages, all-day zoo admission, music by The Olde James River Jazz Band, keeper chats, animal ambassador encounters and more.
Tickets are on sale now and available online. Children under two are free but require an “under 2” ticket reservation. Gates will open at 8 a.m. and close at 9:30 a.m. on the day of the event. The zoo will open to the public at 10 a.m. Event takes place rain or shine.
Chesapeake Bay Writers to Host Open Mic at Williamsburg Regional Library
The Chesapeake Bay Writers will host a free open literature reading for the general public at the Williamsburg Regional Library on Saturday March 9, from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Participants may read a passage from their work or sit and enjoy as others share. Email CBW Coordinator Mary Shipko (shipkom@msn.com) for more information or to sign up to read.
Duo Chinoiserie to Perform for Arts at Abingdon Concert Series

Abingdon Episcopal Church, on Route 17 in White Marsh, Gloucester County, will be hosting Duo Chinoiserie in the fourth concert this season in the Arts at Abingdon Concert Series.
Founded in 2016, Duo Chinoiserie is spearheaded by Chinese guzheng virtuoso Jing Xia and classical guitarist Bin Hu, blending Eastern and Western cultures through their musical interpretations.
The concert will be held Saturday, March 9, at 5 p.m. at the church. Admission is free, but a free-will offering will be accepted. No reservations are required.
James City County Police Department is Hiring
James City County Police Department is accepting applications for police officer. Candidates with no law enforcement experience, as well as pre-certified officers and deputies, are encouraged to apply. The police academy class for recruits begins July 2024.
Applications for police academy consideration are being accepted until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 31. Starting salary is $54,810 or higher depending on qualifications, plus a $5,000 signing bonus (half paid upon hire, half paid after field training) and an education incentive ($3,000 for bachelors or $1,500 for associates or 60-plus earned credit hours from an accredited college or university)
Click here for a full list of county benefits, here to view the full job description, and here to read more information. Questions about the Department and the recruitment process may be directed to HR Specialist Carey Barnett by email or by calling 757-603-6027. Click on the following link to go to the JCC Career Center to complete your application (profile) and apply for the position.
Household Chemical/Computer Recycling Collections, Paper Shredding
The first VPPSA collection event of the year in York County will take place on Saturday March 9, from 8 a.m. to noon on County Drive (off of Goodwin Neck Road).
Acceptable materials are those typically found in a home environment, such as household maintenance and cleaning products, paints, fuels, automotive chemicals, and lawn and garden products.
The following computer items are also accepted at this event: computers; desktop and laptop computers, servers, computer monitors, cell phones, computer wiring, desktop printers including multifunction printers or “All in Ones”, fax machines, and desktop photocopiers and scanners. Only the computer items listed will be accepted, and televisions are not accepted.
A shredding truck will also be provided. Citizens may bring up to five boxes of paperwork to be shredded. Staple and paperclip removal is not necessary, however binders, three-ring notebooks, accordion files and other metal objects are not acceptable to include in shredding materials.
At the collection, A VPPSA employee will ask which city or county you live in, and what materials you’ve brought. Proof of residency may be required. VPPSA staff will unload your vehicle. Please stay in your vehicle unless requested to do otherwise.
Visit VPPSA.org for more information on acceptable and unacceptable materials. For more information about disposal of other items, please contact the Waste Management Center at 757-890-3780 or at yorkcounty.gov/
Virginia Women Veterans Week March 17-23

The contributions of women who have served and continue to serve in the U.S. military will be highlighted March 17-23 during Virginia Women Veterans Week.
More than 108,000women veterans who Virginia home — the largest percentage of women veterans per population size of any state.
The Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS) will host a Women Veterans Week 2024 Ceremony featuring the unveiling of Virginia’s new “Support Women Veterans” License Plate and presentation of a special lapel pin to women veterans at 9 a.m., Thursday, March 21 at the Virginia War Memorial, 621 S. Belvidere Street, Richmond, VA 23220. The event is free and open to the public.
There will be additional events in observance of Virginia Women’s Veterans Week 2024. For questions, or more information on these events or the Virginia Women Veterans Program,
email womenvet@dvs.virginia.gov or call 804-786-0571.