YORKTOWN — The York County Board of Supervisors (Board) took several actions pertinent to residents of the County at its recent meeting on Tuesday, May 3.
At the beginning of the work session at York Hall, 301 Main Street in Yorktown, the Board received a presentation from Margaret Mack-Yaroch, director of the York-Poquoson Social Services Department. The Board received an overview of the department, as well as its initiatives and recognition for the department.
Following this, the Board received a presentation from the staff of the York County Economic and Tourism Development department to discuss upcoming events scheduled to take place in Yorktown.
After the conclusion of the two presentations, the Board discussed and, according to the meeting’s agenda, approved the following items:
1 Proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Budget and Tax Rates. Consider adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 22-9 to impose tax levies upon tangible personal property, upon machinery and tools, upon mobile homes, and upon real estate for calendar year 2022; and proposed Resolution R22-77 to approve the budget and appropriate funds for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2023. APPROVED
a. Memorandum from County Administrator.
b. Proposed Ordinance No. 22-9.
c. Proposed Resolution R22-77.
2 Proposed Fiscal Year 2023-2028 Capital Improvements Program. Consider adoption of proposed Resolution R22-78 to adopt the FY2023-2028 Capital Improvements Program as a long-range planning document. APPROVED
a. Memorandum for County Administrator.
b. Proposed Resolution R22-78.
3 Designation of Real Property Tax for School Purposes. Consider adoption of proposed Resolution R22-79 to designate a portion of the real property tax for school purposes. APPROVED
a. Memorandum from County Administrator
b. Proposed Resolution R22-79.
4 Street Acceptance: International Center Williamsburg, Phase 3. Consider adoption of proposed Resolution R22-53 requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to include certain streets in the International Center Williamsburg, Phase 3 subdivision into the Secondary System of State Highways. APPROVED
a. Memorandum from County Administrator.
b. GIS Map.
c. Proposed Resolution R22-53.
5 Street Acceptance: The Reserve at Williamsburg. Consider adoption of proposed Resolution R22-57 requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to include a certain street in the Reserve at Williamsburg subdivision into the Secondary System of State Highways. APPROVED
a. Memorandum from County Administrator.
b. GIS Map.
c. Proposed Resolution R22-57.
6 Request for Refund of Business License Taxes – Coastal Virginia Rehabilitation LLC. Consider adoption of proposed Resolution R22-82 to authorize a tax refund to Coastal Virginia Rehabilitation LLC for the Tax Year 2022. APPROVED
a. Memorandum from County Administrator.
b. Request for Tax Refund from Coastal Virginia Rehabilitation LLC.
c. Proposed Resolution R22-82.
7 Commend the 2021-2022 York County Youth Commission Members. Consider adoption of proposed Resolution R22-35 to commend the members of the 2021-2022 Youth Commission. APPROVED
a. Memorandum from County Administrator.
b. Proposed Resolution R22-35.
8 Commendation of a Retiring Employee. Consider adoption of proposed Resolution R22-65 to commend James W. Noel, Jr., Director of Economic and Tourism Development, on the occasion of his retirement from County service. APPROVED
a. Memorandum from County Administrator.
b. Proposed Resolution R22-65.
9 Commendation of a Retiring Employee. Consider adoption of proposed Resolution R22-69 to commend Brian K. Woodward, Director of Public Works, on the occasion of his retirement from County service. APPROVED
a. Memorandum from County Administrator.
b. Proposed Resolution R22-69.
10 Commendation of a Retiring Employee. Consider adoption of proposed Resolution R22-84 to commend Mary Lou Savarese, Self Sufficiency Specialist II, York Poquoson Social Services, on the occasion of her retirement from County service. APPROVED
a. Memorandum from County Administrator.
b. Proposed Resolution R22-84.
Regular meetings and work sessions for the Board are aired live on WYCG-TV Cox Cable channel 46, Verizon channel 38, and on the York County government’s YouTube page.
The next Regular Meeting of the Board will be held in the Board Room at York Hall on Tuesday, May 17 at 6 p.m.