WILLIAMSBURG — Nurtured Notion, a local retailer specializing in garden, home decor, and gifts, is now open seven days a week in Williamsburg.
The business set up shop at its current location on Sept. 3, 2021, but this is the first week that they will be open to the public with their new business hours.
“We opened September 3rd but it’s been in the planning stages pretty much for the last three years. Just [COVID-19] kind of changed the course a little bit,” said Nurtured Notion business owner Betsy Shonka-Owens. “The store is the culmination of 20 years of me being in the design industry, and other professional experiences, and having the opportunity to bring intentional pieces to sort of broaden the market in Williamsburg. It seems we’re really really high-end or we’re really discount and I was trying to provide something sort of in the middle. “
Nurtured Notion started doing business out of a warehouse during the pandemic. Customers would schedule private shopping appointments and, “It was really popular and I got great feedback,” Shonka-Owens said.
The positive feedback eventually led the company to Williamsburg’s downtown area where they are now featured at 205 N. Boundary Street.
“I’m really excited to be a part of the community and business that’s happening downtown. I think it’s going to be a good fit for what I’m trying to do,” Shonka-Owens said.
The business features furniture that can be custom ordered, fixtures, lamps, rugs, home decor, seasonal gifts, gardening supplies, and even artwork from local artists.
“The whole principle of what my logo says is, ‘Garden Home Soul Grow Live Be’. I really feel that you need to be in touch with what makes you tick as a human being to actually grow things in your garden or to actually live and enjoy your home,” said Shonka-Owens. “For me at least, it’s been soul searching along the way that’s helped me get there. So I carry something’s that I’ve used in my life’s journey that has helped me. It’s more of an intentional design idea where you can come in and find something that really resonates with what you need to just be peaceful in your home.”
The business operates entirely in person, and there are no online sales or shipping.
“I really believe that you need to touch and feel what you’re buying. Also, I don’t want to disappoint customers the way that I’ve been disappointed in trying to get things shipped right now. I would much rather serve people in person,” Shonka-Owens said.
Nurtured Notion’s business schedule:
Monday – Friday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday, 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Visitors seeking more information can visit the Nurtured Notion Facebook page. The business encourages its customers to wear masks when inside.