WILLIAMSBURG — Saturday, Sept. 11 marks the twentieth anniversary of the terrorist attacks in 2001. To commemorate the lives lost on that day, Colonial Williamsburg (CW) will host a ceremony on the steps of the Courthouse on Duke of Gloucester Street. The event will begin at 8:45 a.m., one minute before the American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower on that day.
A member from CW’s Fifes & Drums will start the ceremony with a drum cadence, followed by music and prayers. Williamsburg Mayor Doug Pons, College of William & Mary President Katherine A. Rowe and CW CEO Cliff Flint and other community members will be on hand to give remarks. The ceremony will conclude by 9:15 a.m. as a lone bagpiper plays “Amazing Grace”.
All participants are encouraged to practice social distancing as well as utilize all safety precautions such as face coverings before, during and after the ceremony. Go to the CW website for more up to date information on COVID-19 safety precautions.