Sunday, September 15, 2024

ICYMI: COVID-19 Updates (May 21- June 3, 2021)

A graph of the current statewide status of COVID-19 as reported by the Virginia Department of Health on June 3, 2021 (Courtesy of Virginia Department of Health)

Here are the latest statistic as of Thursday, June 3:

The latest numbers for the Peninsula Health District, which includes the Historic Triangle, are below, courtesy of the Virginia Department of Health’s (VDH) COVID-19 Dashboard:

(Courtesy of Virginia Department of Health)

COVID-19 variants of concern statistics as of Thursday, June 3:

The COVID-19 variants being tracked by the VDH include: B.1.1.7, B.1.351, B.1.427, B.1.429, P.1. The information below is the information statewide. For information, visit the Virginia dashboard for COVID-19 variants by clicking here.

Local school division statistics as of Thursday, June 3:

York County School Division’s COVID-19 Case Status Dashboard reports that the school system has identified 0 active positive cases of COVID-19 and a total of 357 positive cases.

Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools’ COVID-19 Dashboard reports that there is 1 student who has tested positive, 0 staff members who tested positive and are in isolation, 0 staff members in quarantine, 6 students in quarantine, and 1560 employees that are fully vaccinated.

Here are some recent WYDaily COVID-19 related headlines you may have missed:

For more news and information from around the Historic Triangle, visit WYDaily’s homepage!


(WYDaily Media) 

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